Focus on the Whole Team: Improving Work-Life Balance

The “Dog Days of Summer” are in full swing. And many within college athletics, this means a few things. 1. It is hot. 2. The fall semester is fast approaching. With the summer vacation almost over, the understanding that busy times are ahead can hit like a brick. Days tend to blend together as busy […]

Focus on the Whole Team: How to Choose Your Workout Partner?

College athletic departments are always looking for ways to strengthen their brand. Universities find partners such as sales providers, broadcast networks, and apparel companies in their efforts to service their fans and reach new ones. Picking the right partner is important. Same goes when picking a workout partner. Here are a few questions one should […]

Focus on the Whole Team: Surviving Your Summer Vacation

College athletic road games are inevitable. Unfortunately, they often involve quick meals of unhealthy options and busy schedules that may limit exercise time. In an earlier article, I spoke about overcoming setbacks. I prefaced the article by listing unplanned events. Well, what should one do on planned vacations. Here are a few tips to survive your summer […]

Focus on the Whole Team: “It’s Never Too Late!”

Sports sometimes gets the best of us. Competitors experience losing and heartbreak. There are times when one lacks focus or commitment. There are moments of self-doubt. In comparison, so does life. But sports and life also parallel each other in that “It’s Never too Late!” to mount a comeback.  And Neal Bendesky, aka 199 Guy, is […]

Focus on the Whole Team: Beat the Summer Heat

Athletic departments understand that weather plays a significant part in the success of events. Precipitation, wind, and visibility contribute to reduced or improved crowd size. Weather similarly impacts indoor sports due to travel. But few present the physical harm to patrons as does temperature. With summer on its way, here are a few tips to beat the heat […]

Focus on the Whole Team: Quit Making These Four Mistakes at Work

Everyone can relate to making mistakes at work or partaking in habits that they know are harmful to their success. In the college athletics industry, things are no different. The high pace semesters and social events can lead to poor choices at work. At the time, they may seem beneficial but often prove unfavorable. Here […]